Death Valley

Death Valley (National Park) has been labeled a land of extremes: record heat, continuous drought, and the lowest point in North America. Yet, just adjacent to the lowest point at Badwater Basin, snow covered Telescope Peak rises to more than eleven thousand feet with a vertical drop of more than twice the depth of the Grand Canyon; a striking contrast. The geological phenomena of the ‘racetrack’, the potential of fields of wildflowers after a rare rainstorm, the nearby ghost towns, sand dunes and the wonderful multicolored rock formations provide great photographic venues. Images in this portfolio were obtained in February, 2012.
- 9175 Death Valley National Park
- 9176 Sunset, Abandoned Truck
- 9177 Sunset, Abandoned Vehicle
- 9190 Abandoned Truck
- 9178 Sand Pattern
- 9179 Sand Pattern, Death Valley National Park, CA
- 9180 Badwater Salt Pan, Death Valley National Park, CA
- 9181 Sand Storm Over Devils Golf Course
- 9182 Sand Storm Over Devils Golf Course
- 9188 Sunset, Devil’s Golf Course
- 9184 Sunset, Sand Dunes
- 5534 Sunrise, Sand Dunes
- 5559 Sunset, Race Track
- 9185 Sunset, Race Track
- 9186 Sunrise, Zabriskie’s Point
- 9187 Dawn, Zabriskie’s Point
- 9191 Dawn, Zabriskie’s Point
- 9189 Sunset, Artist’s Palette