Magnum Research’s Desert Eagle 1911 Review

Magnum Research’s Desert Eagle 1911 Review

Desert Eagle has a powerful punch. This semi-automatic gun from Magnum Research is loaded with modern, top-of-the-line features at a basic model cost that is a cut above the competition.

In contrast to traditional semi-automatic guns that either blowback or recoil operated The Desert Eagle uses a gas piston. The Desert Eagle features an innovative operation system.

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Magnum Research is known as a manufacturer of big-bore handguns. But, recently, they started producing semi-automatic 1911 pistols. New Desert Eagle 1911s have been loaded with custom features and a price point that is impossible to beat.

There are three models new from 1911: the 1911G, 1911C, and 1911U. They’re all equipped with the original series 70 design that is popular with fans of John Browning’s famous handgun. The guns are manufactured to exact tolerances with accuracy that can rival the accuracy of any custom firearm. The gun is available in stainless steel or black.

This MRI 1911 features a G10 grip, solid rod guide, as well as a match-grade stainless barrel. The crisp, skeletonized trigger is included along with a double action spring system. The slide is equipped with one serrated front view, a pinned-in rear sight as well as a skeletonized trigger. The trigger can be repositioned for speed and windage. They also have an extended thumb security, a trigger made of aluminum with an overtravel stop and an angled magazine well.

Contrary to many 1911s the Desert Eagle uses a double-diamond checkered frontstrap, as well as an aluminum mainspring housing. It allows shooters to maintain a solid grip no matter if the firearm is fully loaded. Engineers have rounded the magazine release to make reloading easier. The hammer has also been put into a skeleton.

All the controls are located in the right places. The slide serrations as well as the rear sights are tall and adjustable in drift. The hammer is skeletonized while the sear and disconnector is both molded from metal (MIM). MIM components produce trigger pulls between 4 to 5 pounds that feel dead without mushy or funky sensation.

The engineers at the company have added many other ergonomic functions to increase the shooting performance. It has a beveled magazine release that allows for quicker mag changes as well as a skeletonized hammer that makes it simple to load. Additionally, it has a grip that features a diamond checkered that is secured with stainless screws made of steel. The slide, the ejection safety and magazine release are made of aluminum.

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Desert Eagle pistols have a three-round cylindrical. The action operates on gas rather than the short recoil or blowback designs common to many 1911 pistols. Ejection gases as well as chambering gasses are emitted into the barrel through an elongated tube that is then pumped through a cylinder that is located beneath the barrel. A pin fitted in the back of the barrel unlocks the bolt and allows the cartridge to fire when the slide cycled. This method has a number of advantages over the traditional shorter recoil design or the blowback designs that are commonly used in semi-automatic handguns.

It can also provide a more accurate shooting experience by using the longer range of sight. It is important to have a longer sight radius when shooting with your hands offhand or lying down. The feature allows the shooter to hit targets at greater distances as the firearm can effortlessly identify and aim at an object, regardless of how the shooter is using their hands. This model has an adjustable rear sight that allows the user to zero in rapidly and with precision on his targets.

Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a novice or just a beginner, it’s the Desert Eagle 1911 G delivers the performance it promises each and every shot. The hammer skeletonized and the aluminum trigger with an overtravel limiter deliver unbeatable accuracy. the stainless steel barrel that is rampless as well as the full length stainless guide rod make it more reliable. An impressive memory bump as well as high-grip grip beavertail safety are the final touches to this set.

Both DA/SA models and CA are available in various finishes which include brushed or chrome. Although they differ in designs, the basic style is the same. The DA/SA is designed for law enforcement and military uses, while the CA model was designed to be utilized by people who are not military.

The DA/SA and CA models come with a variety of barrel lengths ranging from 5.0″ up to 4.33″ The barrel lengths range from 5.0″ to 4.33″, however, the only exception is the 5″ Undercover model. The models come in two magazines. The 5″ & 4.33″ models disassemble like the classic OG 1911. The four” models need a specific tools for disassembling.


The 1911 pistol is a reliable firearm that is designed to serve as something of a “service weapon”. It’s designed to be handled rough and still remain stable. Recoil can be a major issue when shooting a massive caliber handgun, but its design allows it to be managed. In fact, it is among the most comfy semiautomatics with a large bore that can be shot long periods. It is because of the fact that it uses the gas-operated chambering and ejection system that is similar to the one that can be found on rifles rather than a traditional blowback.

The Desert Eagle pistol comes in several finishes which include matte black. The pistol features a full picatinny style accessory rail on the barrel from the end towards the right side of the sight on its front. This pistol is also equipped with safety with ambidextrous. For example, the DE 1911C model and U models are equipped with a bushingless slide as well as a bull barrel while the regular XIX model features a conventional slide with a bushing.

This gun was extremely simple to use and accurate. I fired around 350 rounds during my initial test. The trigger is great comparable to some handguns I’ve had custom made. The fit and finish is superior than any firearm in this price range however I saw certain machining marks visible in the finishing.

Magnum Research (MRI) is popular for their Desert Eagle pistols, but they also import a variety of 1911-style guns from Bul Transmark in Israel. Magnum Research imports range of steel and polymer-framed double-action pistols. They include those from the DA 380 Micro Desert Eagle which is a large-sized pistol from the DA 380 series as well as the Baby Desert Eagle small-frame pistol collection.

MRI has introduced a fresh model to the Desert Eagle 1911 series: The DB11. It is DB11 is a model that has a single-action that is chambered with 9mm, and includes two magazines of eight rounds that have extended base pads to allow the positive insert. The DB11 is available in stainless steel or black and ships with a solid case, cable lock, and instructions manual.

The DB11 provides a fully-sized 1911 pistol with high-end craftsmanship and value. It is a compact pistol with a light, precise trigger. It’s capable of handling a vast assortment of ammunition, making it ideal for conceal gun carry. This is a good choice to practice shooting and training.


If you are looking to purchase the latest 1911 pistol and you’re looking for the highest price for the budget. You do not want to spend too much or fall victim to fraud, nevertheless, you need an item that can stand up for years of hard usage. Desert Eagle offers an excellent semi-automatic pistol that’s reliable and high-end. This gun’s Series 70 design allows it to operate at a standard that rivals custom-built guns. The rails and slide of the gun are made using precise tolerances. This results in an level of precision that’s difficult to rival with any other manufacture. This gun comes with matches made of stainless steel and solid guide rod. All models come standard with G10 grips and a smooth and well-designed trigger. Additionally, the models have the extended magazine release, as well as thumb safety, aswell being equipped with a skeletonized trigger as well as high-ride safety grip.

Alongside being an ideal choice for home defense and hunting in the wild, the Desert Eagle is also an excellent option to be used by law enforcement. The size and power of the Desert Eagle permits the weapon to go deep within the chest of a suspect without causing damage to any vital organs. It’s simple to install your riflescope to the barrel as it is fitted with mounting bases.

Desert Eagles are available in various chamberings including.45 ACP, 9mm and.44 Magnum, and.50 AE. The simple exchange of the barrel and magazine will change it into another chambering. Since the rim diameters of these cartridges match, a Desert Eagle can easily be changed to fire other calibers using the appropriate bolt and barrel assembly.

The Desert Eagle has been used in more than 600 films and TV shows, and has become a symbol of pop cultural. Its popularity is because it is durable, reliable, and accurate, but it’s also because of the unique design. This model of the Desert Eagle has a distinctive shape, and the metallic parts of this firearm are precisely cast and machined out of strong steel pieces that are then finished in a matte black. In order to prevent corrosion the frame’s skeletal structure and an hammer are covered in oxide.